Parents and Grand Parents of Canadian Citizens can also come to Canada to visit their kids and their families on a temporary visa known as Super Visa. The biggest positive feature of Super Visa is that it allows the visitor to stay for a period of up to two consecutive years at their initial visit without having to renew their status.
The validity of this visa is up to 10 years, allowing for re-entry during this period of time. The Super Visa presents older generations of a family to visit loved ones in Canada for an extended period without work rights.
It allows the spouse or common-law partner of an applicant to be included in the application, but other dependents may not.
Super Visa Application Process
Some additional documentation is required to ensure that the parents and grandparents will be well supported during their time in Canada. This includes:
- A letter of invitation from the child or grandchild residing in Canada;
- Documents that prove the child or grandchild meets the Low Income Cut-Off (LICO) minimum (see table below);
- Proof of parental relationship with child or grandchild, such as a birth certificate that names him or her as a parent; and
- Proof of medical insurance coverage for at least one year with a Canadian insurance company.
All Super Visa applicants will be required to undergo a medical examination.